What are the best ways to grow organic food at home

Updated 12/2/21

How awesome would it feel to go in the backyard (or to the AeroGarden in the garage) and pick some fresh organic vegetables to include in your dinner tonight? This process might not be as difficult as you think. With a little bit of research, the right equipment and continuous love, you can grow some delicious and nutritious food at home.

Growing organic food outdoors at home

growing organic food outdoors

Raised garden beds

If you live in a colder area, this might be the move to make. This helps keep the plants away from the frost on the ground. Not to mention


If you can afford one (or maybe even build it yourself) these are another great option! Find the right space in the backyard and get that greenhouse up! This helps keep out any of those darn bugs that are looking to eat your plants. There are also a wealth of other benefits to it!

Growing organic food indoors at home

growing food indoors

Food growing technology continues to evolve. It’s pretty exciting. Just imagine where it will be in another ten years! For now, we’ve put together some of the best ways to grow

AeroGardens (or a similar machine)

Short of space? No worries! Check out some of the smaller AeroGarden machines available.

Hydoponic units

There are a ton of different options here. Determine your needs and do a little bit of research to see what would work best for your home.

Grow tents

Have some extra space in the garage? A grow tent might be the choice for you. These things are truly amazing and come with so many benefits. Think about it this way, you can essentially grow any plant you want all year long! No need to worry about weather, soil, bugs or any of that stuff.

Tiered shelving

Many companies are really stepping their game up with these. Vertical farming is actually a really popular term here. Check out the video below to see how it works!

Good ol fashioned light through the window

Not really into all this fancy equipment? Maybe you have a nice big open window where you can put your plants right in the sunlight!


Here at Gradual Growth, we’re all about going organic.

We get it, you might be wondering, can I grow some organic cannabis at home? You sure can! Give it a try with an AeroGarden to get it going and then bring it outdoors or under a bright light!

It’s a great feeling to grow you very own organic food at home! Try it out and make a fun project of it. Got anything to add? Reach out and let us know!


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