Best bodyweight exercises to do in your apartment

Updated 4/10/23

Get ready to transform your living space into a personal fitness haven! Who said you need a fancy gym membership or expensive equipment to stay fit and healthy? With just a few square feet of space and your body as the ultimate workout tool, you can turn your apartment into the perfect setting for an invigorating, fun, and effective exercise routine. Say goodbye to crowded gyms, waiting for equipment, or commuting in bad weather—your own private fitness oasis awaits! Embrace the joy of bodyweight exercises and experience the freedom to work out at your own pace, in your own style, and in the cozy comfort of your home sweet home.

People are back to hitting the gym! But there are still a TON of people working out from home. When you have cool equipment like the lululemon Mirror, a gymnastics balance beam, or a Peloton, you best believe people are still getting a TOUGH at home workout in. But sometimes you just want to do some push ups and ab exercises and just focus on the bodyweight movements!

During the lockdowns nationwide a lot of people turned to home exercise. And considering a lot of workout equipment was on backorder, many people started doing bodyweight exercises. While there are some great outdoor exercise workouts you can do with just bodyweight, these are the best ones to do right in your apartment!

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Push ups

Push ups are some of the best bodyweight exercises you can do, especially if you live in a smaller apartment. And there are so many variations you can do. Close grip, wide grip, diamond, one hand forward and one hand back. The options are endless! Make sure to really feel it as you are doing them and get the whole range in. Don’t short change yourself on doing push ups in your apartment!

Push-ups offer a powerhouse workout that targets not only your chest, but also your arms, shoulders, and core, making them an essential addition to any apartment fitness routine. To keep your workout fresh and challenging, you can explore even more push-up variations, like elevated push-ups with your feet on a sturdy piece of furniture, or decline push-ups with your hands elevated. Incorporate Spiderman push-ups, where you bring your knee towards your elbow as you lower your body, for an extra core challenge and improved mobility. And let's not forget about the plyometric element – give clap push-ups or explosive push-ups a try to boost your power and strength.

To make the most of your push-up sessions, focus on maintaining proper form and alignment. Keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels, engaging your core and glutes throughout the movement. Lower yourself with control, making sure your chest comes close to the floor, and then push back up with equal control. This will ensure you're maximizing the effectiveness of each repetition and reducing the risk of injury.



If you haven't tried bodyweight squats, yet it’s about damn time you did. Go ahead and stand up right now and do ten of them and see if you don’t feel it.

Squats are the undisputed king of lower body exercises, and the best part is, you don't need any equipment to reap their benefits in your apartment. From strengthening your quads, hamstrings, and glutes to engaging your core and lower back, squats are an essential full-body movement to include in your home workout routine. The versatility of squat variations keeps your workouts fresh, exciting, and adaptable to your fitness level.

Begin with the classic bodyweight squat, ensuring you have proper form by keeping your chest up, shoulders back, and feet shoulder-width apart. As you squat down, push your hips back and lower your body as if you were sitting in a chair, making sure your knees stay behind your toes. Once you've mastered the basic squat, introduce some variations like sumo squats, jump squats, or Bulgarian split squats using a sturdy chair for added intensity.


Planks are no joke! Try doing a few sets at 30 seconds each to get things started. Want to step it up a bit? Lift up one of your back legs and really feel the burn!


How good do you feel after a yoga session? Even if it’s for twenty minutes. Haven’t heard of yoga yet? Read up on it!

Doing a yoga workout at home first thing in the morning really just sets the mood for the day. If you are just getting into it, follow an instructor. Our favorite is Yoga with Adriene on YouTube!


The amount of ab exercises you can do right in your own apartment are insane! Skip the classic sit ups and move into some leg lifts. Then switch it up to some bicycle curls! You can also get in a plant position and really flex your abs. And then even take it to the next level and get in the push up position and lift you leg up and back, then bring it to your opposite arm.


Grab a sturdy chair or other piece of furniture that you can use to get some dips in! Those tricpes will feel the burn quickly after a few reps. Try different variations with your feet up, one leg out and things like that. YouTube will become your best friend for getting a visual of new workouts to try out in your apartment!

Those are some of our favorite bodyweight exercises to do at home! What are you favorite ones to do? Let us know and maybe we’ll update this list!


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