What are the best dumbbell alternatives?
Dumbbell Alternatives You'll Love
Updated 1/1/23
2023 is here! Whether you are plain sick of dumbbells or are just looking to use something around the house, we’ve got you covered in this guide. No matter if the workout is indoors or outdoors, there are many things you can use in place of a dumbbell! Take bands for example, you can get such a good workout with these all by themselves! You can buy some dumbbell alternatives online and get them sent right to your door! Not really looking to spend extra money and instead get creative? No problem, read more below and making some free dumbbell alternatives with stuff you probably already have at home. Already have some dumbbells and want to use them another way? Turn them into kettlebells!
Best Dumbbell Alternative: Kettlebells
If you still haven’t tried a kettlebell yet, you’re probably missing out on the best dumbbell alternative. A single kettlebell can give you an ass-kicking full-body workout! There is no need to go too heavy either. Check out some videos on YouTube or Onnit for example and get those workouts going. Kettlebells can range from a light 5lbs to over 100lbs! Depending on your needs, the Ye4All kettlebells have offerings every 5lbs or so! Other highlights of this awesome dumbbell alternative include:
flat bottom to ensure stability
wide, smooth handle
black paint finish
solid cast iron
Best Dumbbell Alternative: TRX
If you haven’t had a chance to try out a TRX yet (or any suspension training really) then it’s time. These things are so awesome! You can use them on your bathroom door or on a tree at the park. The setting really doesn’t matter, just as long as you have something for leverage. There are so many exercises you can do with TRX, making it a fantastic dumbbell alternative! There are so many types and variations of exercises you can accomplish with a TRX too. It’s a true alternative to your standard gym equipment if you are on the road for example. Bring your TRX to the hotel! What’s in the box you might ask?
suspension trainer
indoor anchor
outdoor anchor
intro guide
white x-mount
shaker bottle
workout bands
access to the amazing TRX app
Best Dumbbell Alternative: Sand bags
These are one hell of an alternative to dumbbells. Sandbags are no joke. You will get some serious workouts in with these. From farmers walks to dead lifts to some basic curls, sandbags will get that blood pumping! If you like to workout at the park, sandbags are right up your alley then. Not to mention it’s pretty fun throwing them on the ground after your last rep of the set. Sandbags truly make for a great dumbbell replacement because they are so reliable! You can throw this thing around like you mean it. To help make you feel even more comfortable, the satisfaction program offered by Yes4All is amazing too! Proudly American made as well!
Best Dumbbell Alternative: Smaller sandbags
Try out a couple of these as an alternative to your dumbbells. You can easily keep them in the back of your car to have on deck for that park workout! Get that pump going. These are amazing to use as something different during your next outdoor workout. Highlights of these sandbag dumbbells:
comfortable (and safe) handles
add weight from 0 to 45lbs
dust-proof inner bag
phenomenal customer service
Best Dumbbell Alternative: Circular Sandbag
Not only is this made from high-quality materials, its looks pretty darn cool too. You can adjust the weight from 1 to 20 pounds here. The whole thing is easy to clean and sanitize when needed too! A truly all-in-one total body conditioning tool that you can use indoors or outdoors. This is made from premium nylon cordura.
Best Dumbbell Alternative: Exercise bands
Checkout all kinds of different workout bands! You’ll seriously fall in love with these.
Band exercises are AMAZING. Before you even get started on your workout, take 5 minutes to do some hip exercises as part of the warm up. Then step it up to more serious workouts. You’ll see why people love bands as a dumbbell alternative!
Best Dumbbell Alternative: More bands
There are several types of bands you can use for exercise. These are some great resistance bands to use in place of your dumbbells! At the very least you should be using these during your warmup before an intense workout. And look to incorporate them for mobility overall!
Best Dumbbell Alternative: Center of mass
There are basically two different options here. And they always seem to be out of stock during these times unfortunatley.
Make that workout happen!
Free Dumbbell Alternatives
Milk jug
Gallon water jugs
Canned goods (in a bag)
Paint cans
Laundry bin
Laundry detergent
Small chairs
Fill bags with anything you got!
Not really looking to spend money on new equipment? No problem! Here are the best dumbbell alternatives with equipment you probably have laying around the house somewhere.
Milk jugs or gallon water jugs
This is probably one of the first things that comes to mind when you’re thinking of how to make free dumbbell alternatives.
Canned goods in a bag
Throw a few cans of beans in bag and get some curls in and see if you’re not feeling it right away.
Paint cans
You can get a serious arm workout in with some paint cans!
Throw some books in a bag and get some tricep extensions going. Books are heavy and can give you a great workout!
Tie a bunch of old magazines together and see if you don’t get a great workout in!
If you have your laundry in a garbage bag or a container you can get a good grip of, you can get some get reps in before you head to the washer and dryer.
Dumbbell Alternative FAQs
How do you make homemade dumbbells alternatives?
It can be as easy as filling up a couple of gallon water jugs. Or you can get a little more serious and fill up some sandbags.
Why are dumbbells so expensive?
They are especially expensive during these times where a lot of people are really being forced to quarantine and gyms are closed.
Can you build muscle with only dumbbell alternatives?
Hell yeah you can! You can build muscle with just bodyweight, imagine what you can do with a set of dumbbell alternatives. Now get outside and start exercising!
What are the best alternatives to dumbbells?
See our guide up above to find some really cool alternatives to your standard dumbbells. From bands to TRX or your classic kettlebell.
What are alternatives to dumbbell flys?
Hook up that TRX and perform the same movement! You’ll see how awesome this alternative is. You’ll thank us later.
What are the best alternatives to dumbbells to use at home?
1. Resistance Bands
2. Kettlebells
3. Medicine Balls
4. TRX Suspension Trainer
5. Bodyweight Exercises
Are kettlebells better than dumbbells?
The debate over which type of weight is better for strength training – dumbbells or kettlebells – is one that is likely to continue for some time. Both have their proponents and detractors, and both have been shown to be effective in certain situations. So, which is the better choice for you?
There is no definitive answer, as the best type of weight to use depends on your individual goals and preferences. If you are looking to build muscle mass, then dumbbells are generally the better choice, as they allow you to overload specific muscles more effectively. If you are looking to improve your cardiovascular fitness or lose weight, then kettlebells may be the better option, as they require more total-body effort and can help to burn more calories. Ultimately, the decision comes down to what you are hoping to achieve with your strength-training program.
Are sand dumbbells portable and easy to take to the park for workouts?
Yes, sand dumbbells are very portable and easy to take with you wherever you go. They are a great option for workouts in the park or on the beach.
So, what dumbbell alternative will you be looking to use? Find the best one and take it to a park near you for a nice outdoor workout! Of course you can still use these to workout indoors as well! But when possible, we love to take the exercise outdoors!
You don’t only have to use these dumbbell alternatives outdoors! These are great to use inside your apartment, in your living room or where you might be!